Пройдя наконец всю эпопею, включая Эвейк, я наконец счёл себя вправе высказаться. Но как сильно оригинальный, начну с конца)

Day 30: Hopes for Dragon Age 3
Day 29: If you made a deal with a demon what would your bargain be?
Day 28: Worst part of the games.
Day 27: Best part of the games.
Day 26: Crack OTP.
Day 25: Scene that made you cry.
Day 24: Most shocking scene.
Day 23: Scene you wish you could change the outcome of the most.
Day 22: Favorite NPC.
Day 21: Favorite villain.
Day 20: Character you wouldn’t get along with.
Day 19: Character who’d be your best friend.
Day 18: Character you are most like.
Day 17: Favorite Origins story.
Day 16: Your ultimate team from all games.
Day 15: Your favorite "Bro".
Day 14: Character you wish was a romance option.
Day 13: Mages or Templars?
Day 12: OTP.
Day 11: Favorite song from the soundtracks.
Day 10: Favorite party banter.
Day 9: Favorite class (ie; mage, warrior, rogue, assassin, healer...).
Day 8: Least favorite quest.
Day 7: Favorite quest.
Day 6: Your Warden’s story.
Day 5: Least favorite Love Interest.
Day 4: Favorite Love Interest.
Day 3: Least favorite character.
Day 2: Favorite character.
Day 1: Favorite Dragon Age game (Origins, Awakening, Dragon Age 2).